Overview of permissions

Gain an understanding of all permissions on the Inkit platform and use this topic as your reference guide

Primarily, this is a reference topic. You will find an overview of all permissions here that you can assign to your users or your API keys. More than that, you’ll find explanations of what each permission does.

You may either read this reference guide thoroughly or parts of it. Be sure to come back to it whenever you feel uncertain about specific permissions.


  • You know about users and API keys
  • You have identified your API key needs
  • You know how to invite team members to your Inkit environment
  • You know how to set up API keys

Read more about:

Overview of all permissions

Permissions let users or systems perform behaviors and actions in your Inkit environment. They’re always tied to roles, and only through them can you assign your permissions.

Folders createLets the user or system create new folders
Folders updateLets the user or system modify the settings of existing folders
Folders deleteLets the user or system delete folders
Roles createLets the user or system create new roles
Roles retrieveLets the user or system pull data about existing roles
Roles updateLets the user or system modify and update existing roles
Roles deleteLets the user or system delete roles
API keys retrieveLets the user or system create API keys
API keys updateLets the user or system pull data about API keys
API keys deleteLets the user or system modify and update API keys
API keys createLets the user or system delete API keys
Accounts retrieveLets the user or system retrieve information about the organizational account (your company info)
Accounts updateLets the user or system update your company information
Users retrieveLets the user or system pull data about existing users
Users updateLets the user or system update user information
Users activateLets the user or system activate users, granting them access to your environment
Users deactivateLets the user or system deactivate users, revoking access to your environment
Renders createLets the user or system generate PDFs
Renders retrieveLets the user or system view existing PDFs in your environment
Renders updateLets the user or system modify existing PDFs
Renders deleteLets the user or system delete PDFs
Roles retrieveLets the user or system pull permission data of roles
Roles updateLets the user or system modify permissions of roles
API keys refreshLets the user or system (re)generate API key tokens
Events retrieveLets the user or system view events
Shares createLets the user or system share folders with other users or systems
Shares deleteLets the user or system revoke existing folder access from users or systems
Billing invoices listLets the user or system pull information about all previous invoices
Users updateLets the user or system update roles
Users managementGrants the user access to the user management tab in the web environment
Webhook secret refreshLets the user or system (re)generate webhook secrets
Webhooks createLets the user or system create new webhooks
Webhooks updateLets the user or system update existing webhooks
Webhooks deleteLets the user or system delete webhooks