API endpoints
The Inkit API offers the following endpoints:
Name | Description | URL | SDK Method |
Generate Document | Generates a document from a template and a set of merge parameters and stores it in a destination. | https://api.inkit.com/v1/generate (POST) | Render.create() |
Retrieve Document Information | Retrieves information about a generated document. | https://api.inkit.com/v1/document/{documentId} (GET) | Document.get() |
Download Document | Downloads data from a generated PDF document. | https://api.inkit.com/v1/download/{documentId} (GET) | Document.download() |
List Documents | Lists documents and folders created. | https://api.inkit.com/v1/document (GET) | Document.list() |
Delete Document | Deletes a generated document. | https://api.inkit.com/v1/document/{documentId} (DELETE) | Document.delete() |
Launch Worklow | Launches a workflow and generates a document to a set of destinations. | https://api.inkit.com/v1/invoke (POST) | N/A |
List Workflow Statuses | Lists workflows invoked and their statuses. | https://api.inkit.com/v1/invoke (GET) | N/A |
Launch Workflow Batch | Launches a set of workflows. | https://api.inkit.com/v1/invoke/batch (POST) | N/A |
Retrieve Workflow Batch Information | Retrieves information about a batch of workflows. | https://api.inkit.com/v1/invoke/batch/{batchId} | N/A |
List Workflow Batches | Lists workflow batches created. | https://api.inkit.com/v1/invoke/batch (GET) | N/A |
List Folders | Lists private folders in Inkit Storage. | N/A | Folder.list() |
Create Template | Creates a document template. | N/A | Template.create() |
Retrieve Template Information | Retrieves information about a document template. | N/A | Template.get() |
List Templates | Lists document templates. | N/A | Template.list() |
Retrieve Mail Piece Status | Retrieves information about the delivery status of a Sepire mail piece. | https://api.inkit.com/v1/mail-piece/{mailPieceId} (GET) | N/A |
Updated 7 months ago