Launch Flow

Launches a flow and generates a document to a set of destinations

Endpoint URLSDK Method (POST)N/A

Request properties

flow_idStringYesThe ID of the flow that you'll invoke.
nameStringNoThe execution name of the flow, which you can use to track it.
merge_paremetersObjectYesThe key-value pairs that you'll use when generating your document. The data you supply here will replace the fields you have embedded in your document template.

Response properties

amazon_s3_piece_idStringThe Amazon S3 document ID if the flow contains an Amazon S3 destination.
box_piece_idStringThe Box document ID if the flow contains a Box destination.
document_idStringThe Inkit Storage document ID.
docusign_piece_idStringThe DocuSign document ID if the flow contains a DocuSign destination.
dropbox_piece_idStringThe Dropbox document ID if the flow contains a Dropbox destination.
google_drive_piece_idStringThe Google Drive document ID if the flow contains a Google Drive. destination.
idStringThe invocation ID of the flow.
magic_link_piece_idStringThe Magic Link document ID if the flow contains a Magic Link destination.
mail_piece_idStringThe Sepire document ID if the flow contains a Sepire destination.
salesforce_piece_idStringThe Salesforce document ID if the flow contains a Salesforce destination.

Example request and response

curl --request POST \
     --url \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     --header 'X-Inkit-API-Token: ENTER YOUR API KEY' \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --data '
  "flow_id": "ENTER YOUR FLOW ID",
  "merge_parameters": {
    "Name": "John"
  "amazon_s3_piece_id": "as3_4m4HJoJxDYhZhMd2Dr6PJ6",
  "box_piece_id": "box_1WIpoK1NJOlHnKz8cTUS0j",
  "document_id": "doc_5VVwNSVFgsscbxJj9N38iL",
  "docusign_piece_id": "docu_4e9atmnEFtU9ZFroXWFSVA",
  "dropbox_piece_id": "dbox_2WPCr80E7rikeSSHhbrcjg",
  "google_drive_piece_id": "gdrv_3cp8Q1466Bew1mbbXqtAF1",
  "id": "rend_V8apYNwxsuMTbkZtmseuu",
  "magic_link_piece_id": "ml_6COWdgnaKCkUv9TUEQa8t8",
  "mail_piece_id": "mp_rAOQGmlnKkxYVGTPzS2id",
  "salesforce_piece_id": "sp_6QVeOhftdLiRcTddt4vrny"