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Getting started WITH INKIT
Welcome to Inkit
Signing up for (and into) Inkit
Quickstart: Generating your first document
Managing users and roles
Adding a user
Editing a user
Adding a role
Editing a role
Assigning roles to a user
Inkit permissions
Using folders
Adding, editing and removing folders
Sharing folders
Traversing folders
Specifying folders when generating documents
Performing administrative tasks
Editing your profile
Editing your organization
Using audit logs
Adding two-factor authentication
Creating and editing templates
Creating PDF templates
Embedding merge fields into a PDF template
Building a full-featured PDF template
Creating DOCX templates
Embedding merge fields into a DOCX template
Embedding basic conditional statements into a DOCX template
Iterating through a list or a table in a DOCX template
Building a full-featured DOCX template
Creating HTML templates
Embedding merge fields into an HTML template
Embedding basic conditional statements into an HTML template
Iterating through a list or a table in an HTML template
Building a full-featured HTML template
Generating documents
Generating documents using the web app
Generating documents using the API
Generating documents that expire
Displaying documents
Displaying generated documents internally on demand
Displaying generated documents through document IDs
Storing generated documents in your own system and displaying them
Managing documents
Viewing documents
Removing documents
Using workflows
Creating workflows
Editing workflows
Launching workflows
Filtering workflows
for developers
Managing API keys
Adding, editing and removing API keys
Regenerating API keys
Storing API keys
Specifying API keys in your applications
Using the API
API endpoints
Making API requests
Paging through list requests
Standard API request and response objects
API reference
API response codes
Python SDK
Node.js SDK
Generate Document
Retrieve Document Information
Download Document
List Documents
Delete Document
Launch Workflow
List Workflow Statuses
Launch Workflow Batch
Retrieve Workflow Batch Information
List Workflow Batches
List Folders
Create Template
Retrieve Template Information
List Templates
Retrieve Mail Piece Status
Send Digital Signature
Using webhooks
Adding, editing and removing webhooks
Processing webhooks on your server
Inkit webhook events
Storing webhook secret keys
Installing the Inkit package in Salesforce
Setting up the Inkit app in Salesforce
Setting up the Salesforce app in Inkit
Adding a Generate Document button in Salesforce
Adding an Inkit Document Viewer in Salesforce
Embedding Salesforce fields into your Inkit template
Generating documents from Salesforce flows
Generating documents from Salesforce Apex triggers
Magic Link
Setting up the Magic Link app
Configuring the Magic Link Portal
Generating documents with Magic Links and sharing them
Sharing documents with Magic Links
Viewing the status of Magic Links
Setting up the DocuSign app
Embedding DocuSign fields into a PDF template
Embedding DocuSign fields into a DOCX template
Embedding DocuSign fields into an HTML template
Setting up the Sepire app
Configuring Sepire
Creating a Sepire mail peice
Viewing the status of a Sepire mail piece
Amazon S3
Setting up the Amazon S3 app
Google Drive
Setting up the Google Drive app
Setting up the Dropbox app
Setting up the Box app
Getting Started
Digital Signature
Adding Digital Signature blocks to a PDF template
Adding Digital Signature blocks to a DOCX template
Adding Digital Signature blocks to an HTML template
Digital Signature status
Using the Digital Signature Dashboard
Sending a document for Digital Signature
Signing a Digital Signature document
Download Document
Downloads data from a generated PDF document
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