Processing webhooks on your server

After you have added your webhooks, you can process Inkit events from them on your server. We will send you a signature in the header of the request called Inkit-Signature that you should compare with a signature generated from your webhook secret key. We will also send you the following object in the request body:

event_typeStringThe webhook event code.
resource_idStringThe ID of the resource associated with the request.

For example:

  "resource_id": "doc_2N0X2g4f3b1JJU75fqzDZs"

There are many ways you can process webhooks, but in the following example we'll create a webhook listener in Python using the Flask web framework. It will listen for the Document Created event and will print out data about each document generated in Inkit.


Note: The sample code makes use of the webhook secret key to make sure that the callback came from Inkit. You can get the webhook secret key by editing the webhook.

# Import the Inkit Python library
import inkit
from inkit.exceptions import InkitResponseException
# Import Flask (
from flask import Flask, request, abort
# Import HMAC cryptography library
import hmac
# Import SHA-2 hash library
from hashlib import sha256
# Import JSON library
import json

# Replace the string below with your API key
inkit.api_token = "ENTER YOUR API KEY"

# Replace the string below with your webhook secret key

app = Flask(__name__)
# Set the webhook server path and associate method with route
@app.route('/webhook', methods=['POST'])
def get_webhook():
    if request.method == 'POST':   
        # Check if signature generated from secret key matches header signature
        header_signature = request.headers.get('Inkit-Signature')
        secret_signature = = secret.encode('utf-8'),
                                    msg = request.get_data(),
                                    digestmod = sha256
        # Return a 401 error if the signatures don't match
        if header_signature != secret_signature:
            print('Invalid signature!')
        # Get the webhook object
        data = request.json
        # Process webhook based on the event type
        match data['event_type']:
            case 'DOCUMENT_CREATE_FINISHED':
                # Get data about the generated document
                resp = inkit.Document.get(data['resource_id'])
                # Print the data
                print(json.dumps(, indent = 3))
        return 'success', 200
# Run the webhook listener
if __name__ == '__main__':

To run this code on your web server, save it as and then execute python in your terminal or command prompt.


Note: The above code requires Python 3.10 or greater and processes events at the /webhookpath of the server. To change this to a different path, edit the @app.route() method call.