List Workflow Batches

Lists workflow batches created

Endpoint URLSDK Method (GET)N/A

Request properties

pageIntegerNoThe page of the list you want to pull. The default is 1.
page_sizeIntegerNoThe number of records to pull per page. The default is 25.
sortStringNoThe sort key. If the key is preceded with a -, the request will sort the records in descending order. Otherwise it will sort in ascending order.
searchStringNoThe search key. The request will only return records with this key.
destination_nameStringNoThe request will only return records with this destination name.
destination_statusStringNoThe request will only return records with this destination status.

Response properties

itemsObject[]An array of batches launched.
metadataObjectMetadata relating to the list.


created_atStringThe date and time the batch was created.
destinationsObjectThe status of generations within the batch.
idStringThe ID of the batch.
nameStringThe name of the batch.
statusStringThe status of the batch.
totalIntegerThe number of the documents in the batch.


inkit_storageObjectThe status of Inkit Storage document generations within the batch.
salesforceObjectThe status of Salesforce document generations within the batch.
sepireObjectThe status of Sepire document generations within the batch.
docusignObjectThe status of DocuSign document generations within the batch.
magic_linkObjectThe status of Magic Link document generations within the batch.
amazon_s3ObjectThe status of Amazon S3 document generations within the batch.
google_driveObjectThe status of Google Drive document generations within the batch.
dropboxObjectThe status of Dropbox document generations within the batch.
boxObjectThe status of Box document generations within the batch.
countIntegerThe total number of document generations within the batch for this destination.
completedIntegerThe total number of completed document generations within the batch for this destination.
failedIntegerThe total number of failed document generations within the batch for this destination.
in_progressIntegerThe total number of in-progress document generations within the batch for this destination.

Example request and response

curl --request GET \
     --url \
     --header 'X-Inkit-API-Token: ENTER YOUR API KEY' \
     --header 'accept: application/json'
    "items": [
            "created_at": "2023-11-07T03:05:52.298042Z",
            "destinations": {
                "inkit_storage": {
                    "completed": 1,
                    "count": 1,
                    "failed": 0,
                    "in_progress": 0,
                    "status": "completed"
            "id": "fb_5s6Sy8bUjdRscqwSJ2hmCc",
            "name": "Batch Name",
            "status": "In Progress",
            "total": 1
            "created_at": "2023-11-07T02:16:22.319388Z",
            "destinations": {
                "inkit_storage": {
                    "completed": 1,
                    "count": 1,
                    "failed": 0,
                    "in_progress": 0,
                    "status": "completed"
            "id": "fb_4AO6oyjh5yc9jvRKJplghb",
            "name": "Batch Name",
            "status": "Completed",
            "total": 1
    "metadata": {
        "pagination": {
            "current_page": 1,
            "next_page": null,
            "page_count": 1,
            "page_size": 25,
            "prev_page": null,
            "total_count": 2
        "sort": {
            "key": "created_at",
            "order": 1