Digital Signature status
Document Status Overview
In the Digital Signature Dashboard, you can get the following statuses of the documents that you sent out for signature:
Status | Description |
Needs your signature | Documents that require your signing. |
Out for signature | Documents that you sent that still haven't been signed. |
Action required | Documents that you sent in which some error occurred that prevents their signing. |
Signed | Documents that you sent that were signed by their recipients. |
You can view a breakdown of Digital Signature documents in your organization and see how many fall under each status.
By clicking on a status, you can filter documents that have that status. You can click multiple statuses and remove them by clicking them again. Active filters are highlighted in blue.
Additionally, the Status column displays the current stage of each document in the Digital Signature process, allowing you to track its progress.
You can also view the status of the document by clicking the ... menu beside the document and select Details .
- When accessing the Digital Signature Details page, you can view the document's current status under Status. The Status represents the overall progress of the document in the digital signature process.
- Additionally, under the Signers tab, you can track the Signature Status throughout the signing cycle. The Signature Status indicates the signing status of the document for each individual signer.
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Updated 8 days ago