Filtering flows

If you have many flows, filtering them can help you manage them.

To filter flows, in the Inkit web app select Flows in the left sidebar.

Filtering flows by keyword

To filter flows by keyword, enter the keyword in the Search box.

Filtering flows by ID

To filter flows by ID, click Filters.

Then click the + button by ID and enter the flow ID. Finally, click Apply Filters.

Filtering flows by date

To filter flows by date, click Filters.

Then click the + button by Date and enter a range of flow modification dates. Finally, click Apply Filters.

Filtering flows by invocation method

To filter flows by invocation method, click Filters.

Then click the + button by Invocation Method and select one of the following invocation methods from the dropdown box:

  • All
  • UI
  • API

Finally, click Apply Filters.

Clearing filters

To clear all filters you've added, click Filters.

Then click Clear All Filters.