Adding a role

A role in Inkit defines the set of permissions that you can apply to a user. There are the following standard roles in Inkit:

Document ViewerRetrieve Document
Document Generation ManagerManage Apps
Delete Document
Upload Document
Retrieve Document
View Events & Audit Trail
Delete Folders
DeveloperManage API Keys
Manage Apps
Delete Document
Upload Document
Retrieve Document
View Events & Audit Trail

To add a new role to Inkit, do the following:

  1. In the Inkit web app, select Settings in the left sidebar and click the Organization tab. Then click User Roles in the Users panel.

  2. In the Roles dialog box, click Add New Role.

  3. In the Add New Role dialog box, enter the Name of the role and an optional Description. Then choose any number of Permissions. Finally, click Save.

Once you've added roles, you can assign them to users.