Sending a document for Digital Signature

While you can request signatures when generating a document and when launching a flow, you can do it directly in the Digital Signature dashboard.

Requesting signatures through a new template

To request signatures through the creation of a new template, do the following:

  1. Click Request Signature

  2. Then click Upload. Choose from a PDF, a DOCX, or an HTML template from your local files.

  3. Confirm the selected template and click Next.

  4. In the Add Signers tab, enter a Full Name and Email for each Digital Signature field embedded in the template.

    There is an option to add additional signers under +Add Signer.

    Click Next .

  5. (Optional) In the Needs to sign drop down menu, customize the signing action for each signer. You can choose from the following options:

    • Needs to sign

    • Can skip

    • Can reassign

  6. Select a Signer to assign fields to.

    From the left side side bar, drag and drop a compatible Field types onto the page:

    • Signature Fields
    • Autofill Fields
    • Input Fields

    Click Next to proceed to the Review and Send step.

  1. Review the Signers, BCCs and Name Document before clicking Send.

    • (Optional) In the BCCs section, enter the recipients full name under Full Name and their email under Email.

    • To add more BCC recipients, click +Add BCC Recipient.

      • On the Review and Send page, scroll down to the Name Document section.

      • Select a folder for the document from the Folder dropdown box. (Default:Root).

      • Enter the Name of the document.

      • (Optional) Save the template used to generate the document by checking Save as Template.

      • Click Send to finalize.

Requesting signatures through an existing template

To request signatures through an existing template, do the following:

  1. Click Request Signature.

  2. Click Use Template.

  1. In the Use Template tab, choose an existing template and click Add.

Note: Only templates with Digital Signature fields embedded in them will display.

  1. Review the selected template and click Next.

  2. In the Add Signers tab, under Signer 1 enter a Full Name andEmail for each Digital Signature field embedded in the template.

    • Set the signer’s action to Needs to Sign, Can Skip, or Can Reassign as needed.

    • Repeat this step for any additional signers.

    • Click Next to proceed.

  3. In the Fill Out Fields page, enter data for each merge field in your template and click Next.

  4. Review and Send

    • (Optional) Under BCC, click + Add BCC Recipient to add more recipients, then enter a Full Name and Email for each.

      In the Send tab, under Name Document, select a folder from the Folder dropdown (Default:Root). Enter the Name of the document.

      Finally, click Send.