Dynamic images
The images must be hosted on your side (any CRM, hosts like AWS S3, etc.).
Follow the next step to apply dynamic images (if you are using any of the webhooks - skip to the 3rd step)
1. Create an HTML template
You can create a template via the user interface or edit an existing one from the templates page.
Learn how to create a template here.
2. Copy-paste or write down the HTML files and wrap the dynamic data into the double % signs.
If you are using webhook or letter-webhook , just follow the rules for content of the front_html and back_html fields.
The dynamic image could be either background-image or src value for an img tag:
Every text within %% will be treated as custom field and filled with a value received from the request.
If you don't use Inkit's UI - follow the same rules for raw html's in the webhook requests.
3. Send webhook request or campaign.
The variables dynamic_img_src and dynamic_background should be present in contact custom data section under each contact details or passed via webhook or letter-webhook (depends on your request type and product).
"api_token": "{{API_TOKEN}}",
"template_id": "{{TEMPLATE_ID}}",
"first_name": "Elon",
"last_name": "Musk",
"email":"[email protected]",
"address_line_1": "1 Rocket Road",
"address_line_2": "Suite 1",
"address_city": "Hawthorne",
"address_state": "CA",
"address_zip": "90250",
"address_country": "US",
"source": "Webhook"
"dynamic_img_src": "{{LINK_TO_IMAGE}}",
"dynamic_background": "{{LINK_TO_IMAGE}}"
When send request put the custom fields keys with appropriate values into the data and they will be populated to the html template by name.
4. Check the result of sent mail.
You can use any variable name for custom data which is not intercept with a general fields described in webhook integration.
We're happy to help get your code set up or answer questions you might have.
Search our documentation, check the help center, or connect with our sales team.
Ask our support team ([email protected]) questions if you run into any technical roadblocks.
Updated over 2 years ago